Dog “Translator” Sets Tails Wagging

If you have ever wondered how your dog is feeling, a South Korean company has an accessory that will give you an idea.
Many dog owners wish they could understand their four-legged friends, and Petpuls Lab has released an AI-powered collar that effectively “translates” dog sounds into a legible emotion: happy, anxious, angry, sad or relaxed.
The Seoul-based start-up’s website states that in addition to displaying your doggo’s emotional states, the device can also track activity level – such as total distance travelled – and presents all this information on a nifty timeline function. Paired with the smartphone app, you can also track sleep and diet.
Petpuls Lab developed the collar after extensive research based on more than 10 000 bark samples from a range of 50 dog breeds. Over three years, the company has developed an algorithm that can determine if your pupper is keen for walkies, or simply wants to laze about.
To really hammer home the sales pitch, the product was tested at Seoul National University and they confirmed that the tech is 80% accurate with its predictions.
Andrew Gil, director of global marketing for PetPuls Lab, said: “This device gives a dog a voice so that humans can understand.”
The collar is on sale via the company’s website and doubtlessly receives the bark of approval from pooches the world over.
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